What is the Power of R?
The Power of R program includes teacher resource kits, as well as a variety of classroom workshops that are designed to be either stand-alone or presented as a part of the Inquiry Units. The information and delivery formats of the program are continually re-worked to engage different learning styles and stay current with emerging issues.
The Power of R workshops encourage students to consider their everyday choices and how they have an impact on our world.
Both the Curriculum Packages/Kits and the presentations are available to schools in Districts 71, 72 and 84 free of charge.
Classroom Presentations - Power of R Sessions
Grades K - 5: Where Does it Go?
Students will learn about where garbage goes and how they can be good environmental stewards. This is an interactive presentation that can be done in person or remotely via Zoom. In person visits include a Recycle Relay game.
(approximately 1 hour)
Grades 4 - 12: Audit Your Waste
Students will do either an individual or classroom waste audit and learn to think differently about their garbage. This presentation can be done in classroom, outdoors, or remotely via Zoom, depending on your needs.
(approximately 1 hour with pre-presentation prep)
“We have now gone down to only one garbage can and have a 'green team' responsible for washing out plastic containers so they can be recycled!” Amanda Davidge - Teacher at Queneesh Elementary School
Grades 8 - 12: Linear vs Circular Economies
Students are introduced to the value of a circular vs. linear economy and about how what we consume can be even more important than how we manage our waste. This presentation can be done in person or remotely via Zoom.
(approximately 1.5 hours)
Holiday Specific: Waste-Free Holidays
Support your students in planning a waste-free holiday with their families. This includes information about where waste goes, and ideas about how to reduce your footprint over the holiday season, including some fun things for them to take home. This presentation can be done in person or remotely via Zoom.
(approximately 1 hour, most appropriate for K-5)
Grades 9 - 12: Community Mentorship
Our Educator is now available to mentor students and classes wanting to pursue waste diversion initiatives. This include support in research and planning and is an excellent fit for students working on Capstone projects related to environmental issues. Support for leadership classes and environment clubs is also available.
School Green Teams/Environmental Committees
Contact us for a resource kit to help spark ideas for initiatives that can be implemented in your school.
Family Nights
Cook, Eat and Learn – Waste-free lunches
Our Educator will host an evening for families at your school, completing a waste audit, speaking about waste-free lunches, and culminating in a cooking class for some lunch treat ideas.
"I can't thank you enough. Your lessons were fabulous, and you were such a great instructor. This was so perfect for our school inquiry. Thanks for being such a big part of it! I hope to work with you more next year." Myra Wilson - Teacher at Airport Elementary School
Connect With Us
Contact Environmental Educator Tina Willard-Stepan to discuss your needs, and to book your spot.